Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Superheroes Help Students Read with Fluency..... What's Your Hook?

            In this charming article in The Reading Teacher, Illinois elementary teachers Barclay Marcell and Christine Ferraro describe a second-grade girl who “reads 100 words per minute with a flat voice and a mind that’s focused on what’s for lunch,” a boy who reads 120 words a minute and cares more about his reading-rate graph than the content of the story, and students who ask, “Are you timing me?” and “Did I beat my last score?” Most upsetting of all are students who can’t provide an accurate retelling of what they read.
Marcell and Ferraro recall how fluency became an obsession in elementary classrooms after the National Reading Panel’s 2000 report and RTI’s focus on measurable data. Somehow the emphasis on reading fast and saying words accurately eclipsed expression and comprehension. Why? “It seems that, amid the well-intentioned use of timers, graphs, and programs devoted to repeated readings, fluency practice was being distilled to ‘race reading,’” they say. Authentic fluency should be “reading with and for meaning,” but it was lost in many classrooms. “Although we believe that automaticity is indeed a hallmark of reading fluency,” they say, “we needed our students to grasp fluency’s multifaceted features and related strategies – to adjust pace, to add expression, to connect and summarize. We also wanted to make fluency instruction more engaging for kids.”
To accomplish this, Marcell and Ferraro created a series of evil characters that personified bad reading habits, made character cards of each one, and pasted them to the back of popsicle sticks:
-   Robot Reader, who wants you to read like an automaton and keeps you from understanding;
-   Choppy Boy, who wants you to chop words;
-   Alien Dude, who wants you to read like a Martian without understanding the words (“Hmmm, what did I just read?”)
-   Flat Man, who makes sure your voice doesn’t go up or down.
Who would deal with these characters? “It’s time for Poetry Power Man and his superhero friends – Super Scooper, Expression Man, and Captain Comprehension – to enter our reading blocks,” say Marcell and Ferraro. “Their mission? To fight for fluency and all its facets – rate, expression, accuracy, and learning…”
Why poetry? Because reading poems enlists all the skills students need to read fluently – rate, expression, accuracy, and learning – as well as phrasing, metaphors, similes, personifications, phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, and, of course, comprehension. Marcell and Ferraro created a fluency development sequence that stretched through each week and had these components:
-   Introducing a short passage (usually a poem)
-   Reading it aloud
-   Discussing the content
-   Choral reading
-   Paired reading
-   Word study
-   Home practice
-   Performance
-   Final re-reading
During each week, students did Practice #1 with Super Scooper fighting Choppy Boy for good phrasing, Practice #2 with Expression Man fighting Flat Man for lively voice inflection (as measured by the Expression-O-Meter), and Practice #3 with Captain Comprehension fighting Alien Dude for summarizing and connecting to deeper understanding. The final day included performances.
            The results? Over four years of implementation, all dimensions of students’ fluency have improved markedly, as has their enjoyment of poetry and reading.

“So Long, Robot Reader! A Superhero Intervention Plan for Improving Fluency” by Barclay Marcell and Christine Ferraro in The Reading Teacher, May 2013 (Vol. 66, #8, p. 607-614),


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Bubbles! Bubbles! Bubbles!

This Monday I posted the following message;

"Bubbles bring wonderment, they are inspiring and simply down right fun. Please accept this bubble wand as symbol of my appreciation. You are all responsible for tapping the creativity in all of our students. I challenge all staff to try and incorporate “Bubbles” into one lesson this week. Friday’s blog will ask you to share how you were able to incorporate them.

Lets always remember to not get to serious about numbers…… Unless of course you’re counting bubbles!"

SOOOOOOOOOOOO????? How did you do it? I'm incredibly interested in how you all tried to incorporate your bubble wands into your teaching this week. Please post your experience and student reactions.

and......... remember to keep having fun!

Thursday, March 28, 2013

The Common Core .... There's an App for That!

I recently discovered a great app that can bring the Common Core to your fingertips! Paging through all of the grade level sections of the state released document can be tedious. Any barrier, like not being user friendly, often discourages us from breaching new ground. This app entitled Common Core (Not very original) serves to remove many of these time consuming barriers.

As we know the Common Core is an inevitable part of our profession and we have to develop the mindset of using it as our map.

The app featured here is FREE! and very easy to use. It breaks down the Common Core buy subject, grade level and standard. When planning a lesson you can easily reference the standard you are addressing and find easy wording to include in your lesson plans and to use with your class.

Now you have access from wherever you are! I for one will be paging through each standard while on the beach this summer! Enjoy!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Do You Remember Caine?

In September I showed the staff a video entitled "Caine's Arcade." The story was of a little 10 year old boy who inspired the world through his development of a cardboard arcade. We all sat in awe of this young child whose ingenuity over came his academic deficits. Well .... dreams really do come true!

Read the 2 follow up articles linked below.

No More Card Board Boxes

10-Year-Old Caine's Arcade Founder Signs With World's Largest Talent Agency

I would love to hear your follow up reactions to this story. Feel free to post your comment below.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Can Student Surveys Measure Teaching Quality?

Many of you may remember Ron Ferguson. He was the keynote speaker at our last opening convocations in Montclair. Dr. Ferguson is has developed a student survey that was utilized in national study called the Measures of Effective Teaching Project or MET Project. This 3 year study was designed to determine how to best identify and promote great teaching. Nearly 3,000 teachers participated from 7 U.S. public schools.

The linked article is a must read! Ron Ferguson's 7 C's, which are Care, Control, Clarify, Challenge, Captivate, Confer, and Consolidate were discussed at our first faculty meeting as a great way to self-assess your teaching. Theses 7 indicators are now identified as being predictors of effective teaching through the MET Project. Our new superintendent plans to pilot the student survey this year in Montclair (You probably want to be familiar with it).

I would love your feedback......